Not every woman is a mother, but every woman is a daughter. There has been much material written on the subject of mothers and daughters and everybody has "a story to tell". This is only part of my story. It began many years ago, my first glimpses recorded in a place called memory, her voice and her face always there. But the part I give record to here is the latter days when the roles had become reversed. Whether this is good or this is bad, it does not really matter. She is my mother and I love her.
If you read the earlier entries you discover my few days of full-time caregiving for my father. It was all of two months and six days. Days that at the time seemed endless, but were in fact not long enough.
In reality the role of caregiving started five years ago. My sister and I moved my parents here to the state we live in to be better able to care for them. Daddy was still able to "care"for mother in their home with minimal help. The help needed changed with increasing speed every month or so.
These entries are from the heart of a daughter...even when the roles reversed.